Morning run through 2 townships, a graveyard and ended in a silent playground in the valley.
Irish Sea |
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The afternoon was spent in the city of Caernarfon and touring the castle. Edward I's premeir fortress and palace in this ring of northern Welsh castles, modeleed on the lines of Emperor Theodosius's wall at Constantinople. The castle was designed with intention of isolating Welsh forces in the Snowdon mountains by cutting off their supply to mother Wales. No Welshman was allowed to live within the city of Caernarfon...Edward I did not underestimate Wales' uprising, but was tactical in his castle placement and forcde isolation. The castle itself is capapble of being defended by only 50 men-full of secret passageways and deep dungeons.
Here I am on the greens of Caernarfon. So green too. Charles, current Prince of Wales, had his commencement ceremony right were I'm standing. Royalty by default?
Cruised the city of Caernarfon for lunch. Here are a few of my favorite spots in this city...teas, toasties, and bitters....content watching life go by me for a while.
w. 6
plucked from the sea
like a stone in the sand, my heart be still
and awake
salt sticks to the inside of my lungs
swallow hard
and breathe.
make it a part of me just one more thing i can have
no currency
can take me here, below the surface
tides pull the medicine i seek into my veins
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